My Masterdon Profile

The Martyr’s Prayer Challenge

I was officially diagnosed as having combat related PTSD in 1994 and went through the VA PTSD program in 1995. The recovery process was a long slow struggle. In 2002 I was attending a Presbyterian Church and had started to rethink the origins and validity of my religious beliefs. When the attack on the Twin Towers occurred in 2001 I saw the attack as a criminal terrorist act which should have been handled under the rule of law, not a war. The Rome Accord had been signed, was very close to ratification and the International Criminal Court was very close to becoming a reality. The biggest problem with the ICC is that it does not have jurisdiction over international terrorism, international arms trafficking, international human trafficking and international drug trafficking. Instead of using the attack of 9/11 to expand and develop the international rule of law, George Bush withdrew America from the Rome Accord and declared and International War on Terrorism. Bin Laden’s Jihad was based on his own personal religious beliefs and George Bush’s response was also based on personal religious beliefs. Islam and Christianity have been in conflict for over one thousand years and if there is any truth in religion, only God knows what that truth is. Considering my own internal conflict at the time the only answer I could see was to ask God for an answer that could not be misunderstood or faked by any power on earth. I wrote the Martyr’s Prayer, prayed, and offered my life as a conduit through which he could make His will known to all humanity.

The following explanation to the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge was written in 2002 when the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge began. Two decades later the Jihad still goes on and the human race draws ever closer to its own destruction. It is time to make the survival of the human race and the planet earth our number one priority. This prayer challenge will go on until the last Martyr of God has died. If you are a true believer, offer your life to God as a Martyr of Your Faith and let God speak for God. The truth is in God’s design, not the myths, legends, and lies of mankind.

The Martyr’s Prayer Challenge 2002

The Jihad declared by Usama Bin Laden and his followers is a global religious war. When George Bush declared his War Against Terrorism and made the claim that Bin Laden is misguided and follows a false God, he joined in and expanded that global religious war. This war will last for decades and divert our attentions from the global problems of overpopulation, dwindling resources, and destruction of our environment, which could lead to our own extinction.

This is a religious war and we are once again hearing about the battle of Armageddon whose side God is on and how wonderful it is to be living in these final days. Who is right? Who is wrong? How long do we go on killing for God and Country? Will God ever intervene? It is time for the human race to ask God directly, and let God speak for God. God alone knows God’s will. If God ever cared about the human race, or ever had a covenant with any members of the human race, he would respond to the combined prayer of humanity.

The Martyr’s Prayer Challenge is a prayer challenge based on the Martyr’s Prayer which is a simple request for a clear answer from God and fulfillment of any covenant He has with mankind. If God intervenes humanity will be saved and our mistakes corrected but if He does not intervene we have some huge obstacles to overcome which require the cooperation of the entire human race. We can not solve these problems with division, hatred, and war.

If God does not answer the Martyr’s Prayer it does not mean that the patriarchs and prophets of our faiths did not receive incite from God. It simply means that the organized religions that flow from their teachings have been corrupted by man and God made no promises. If God does not answer the Martyr’s Prayer the survival of the human race will be up to the human race alone.

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