My Masterdon Profile

About This Site

I am 76 years old and getting ready for the end of my days. I believe the human race is facing an existential crisis caused by Imperialism, continuous warfare, a dysfunctional United Nations, overpopulation, dwindling resources, pollution, global warming, climate change, and religion which will eventually lead to our extinction. How do we respond and can we survive? There are many different factors that contribute to the existential crisis we all face. We need new ideas and new solutions addressing each of the elements that contribute to this existential crisis. You can use the pull down menu on the upper right corner of this page to explore and consider one person’s point of view on this crisis. I do not expect you to agree with anything I say here, it is simply my hope that it will prompt you to think about the future of humanity and consider possible solutions to the existential crisis we all face.

There are over eight billion people living on this planet and every one of those people has a right to their own point of view. I began writing a view from the bottom in the early 1980s to document the point of view of someone who came from the bottom, without any hidden agenda, great ambition or drive for fame and fortune. Just an average ordinary member of the human race, probably someone very much like you. My point of view like yours is shaped by my life, what I was taught in my youth, and what I learned from the experiences that I have lived through. This web site is simple a place for me to document my own points of view. Most of what is documented here will also be addressed on Mastodon in an attempt to generate meaningful thought, discussion, and solutions to the existential crisis we all face. I encourage you to think about those problems, join the discussion, and offer solutions to the mess we ourselves have created. You can find my Mastodon account at I encourage you to create your own account and reach out to the world, working together people can end this crises and change our destiny, it is too important to leave to the politicians alone.

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