My Masterdon Profile

Right To Life

God performs over 1,300 abortions in the United States every day. It is a part of God’s design and God’s way of keeping the ecosystem He created in balance, giving all life a chance to survive. Our current pandemic, global warming, wildfires throughout the world, weather extremes caused by global warming, pollution, and declining resources all have the same cause. Overpopulation of this planet by the human race.

When the Catholic Church began organizing the Right To Life movement in the United States in the early 1960s the population of the United States was 179,323,175 today our population is over 331,000,000. In 1960 the world population was 3,034,949,715, today it is estimated to be 7,674,306,624, double the population, double the problem. The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) began as a reaction to scientists raising the alarm about overpopulation and the destruction of our environment. The term overpopulation rapidly became politically incorrect and any scientist or politician who used it soon found their career in peril.

All of the damage to our environment over the past 60 years can be traced directly to population growth. The Right To Life Movement and institutional religions that drive it bear a large portion of the responsibility for that damage. They are pushing the human race closer and closer to our own extinction every day. God’s only message to life in this universe is “Destroy what I have created and you will destroy yourselves”.

We have been successfully challenging God’s methods for centuries. It is right to reduce pain, suffering, and early death and as we progress we will get better at preventing miscarriages, still births, birthing deaths, and early deaths from injury and disease. However, as we continue to challenge God’s methods and the checks and balances of God’s design we must respect the limits of God’s design or we will destroy our environment and we will destroy ourselves.

Every woman that gets pregnant knows the conditions under which she conceives, knows what kind of support system she has, knows what kind of family and what kind of living conditions that child will be born into. Whether to carry that child and give birth or abort that pregnancy is an awesome responsibility that should not be taken lightly. The only person that should ever make that decision is the woman herself.

If you oppose contraception, voluntary sterilization, or abortion, don’t use birth control, don’t get the tubal or vasectomy, don’t get the abortion, but don’t interfere with the other person’s rights because of your own personal or religious beliefs because that puts us all at risk. Global warming is real, the destruction of our environment is real, and overpopulation is the cause. Life begins at birth and birth, life, and death is a natural cycle we all go through. Our focus should be on the quality of life, not the quantity of life. How much is one more day of suffering really worth? Making those decisions for someone else defies God’s design and puts all humanity at risk. Planned parenthood and death with dignity are not offensive to God because they prevent overpopulation and protect God’s design.

If you truly believe you are following God’s will, declare yourself a Martyr of Faith in the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge and let God speak for God.


Please answer The Martyr’s Prayer Challenge as requested in The Martyr’s Prayer and bring peace to this planet.


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