My Masterdon Profile

The Martyr’s Prayer

Lord please hear my plea for I come before you, seeking answers which only you can provide. The human race is besieged on all sides by false prophets perverting the word of God for their own personal glorification and gain. They move among us dividing humanity and creating confusion and unrest wherever they go. Our planet is now divided by over a half dozen major religions whose followers all claim to be the true believers, and the chosen children of God. Those major religious groups are further divided by thousands of minor religious sects, all of whom claim to be following your will and your chosen path for humanity. Since they believe that they are God’s chosen people each sect in turn views all other religious sects with suspicion and mistrust, which ultimately leads to violence and war.

Our problems are further compounded by national leaders who are driven by ambition, greed, and self glorification. Leaders who are far too willing to invoke the word of God whenever it suits their purpose or furthers their ambitions. They intertwine their political rhetoric with our religious traditions and prophecies in order to divide us and further their own ambitions.

The answer I seek my Lord is “Who among us is following the true path which you have chosen for mankind?” In order to answer this question I challenge all true believers of all faiths to send forward defending martyrs so that you may clearly communicate your desire to the entire human race by the method set down in this prayer.

Lord I seek peace and a clear understanding of your will for the sake of all humanity. That is why I come before you offering my life as a vehicle through which you can clearly and unambiguously communicate your desire to the human race. I ask that you respond to this prayer in the prescribed manner so that there can be no question that the answer came from you and no question as to what your desires are.

I challenge all true believers to offer their life to God as proof that their faith is the true faith and their path the true path to salvation. When the defending martyrs from the true path of enlightenment have come forward, I ask that you bring me home by turning my body to dust in one billionth of a second leaving my right hand undamaged as proof of your deed. In the exact same nanosecond that you turn my body to dust I ask that you turn the bodies of all other challenging martyr’s and all defending martyrs from the true path of enlightenment to dust leaving their right hand untouched, thereby proving that their prophets are the true prophets and their path your chosen path for all humanity. I ask that this be done before a live audience that can bear witness to the event and recorded on video as proof for all time that you have answered the prayers of mankind. Bringing us home in the prescribed manner and in the exact same nanosecond is a feat that only you can preform. Answering this prayer in the prescribed manner will be proof that all humanity can clearly understand.

The Jews, Christians, and Muslims among us all claim that you have a covenant with them and that you will send a messiah to save humanity and establish God’s kingdom on earth. Lord if this is true, I request that once you have answered this prayer and taken us home that you fulfill your covenant, send the Messiah and establish your kingdom on earth.

For the sake of all humanity I ask this of you, so that all of mankind may know and follow the true path of enlightenment and the true prophets of God.


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