My Masterdon Profile

Terrorist Threats

I served in the U.S. Army from July 1965 through April of 1970. I trained as an infantryman, paratrooper, pathfinder, parachute rigger, and helicopter pilot. I flew just over 600 combat hours as a scout pilot in Vietnam. I fought for, believe in, and support the original American Dream of 1776 and the Constitution of the United States of America. Even though' I was in the regular army, I believe in and considered myself to be a citizen soldier. Men and women who answered the call, did their duty, and returned to civilian life. Those military and militia units they belonged to were always sanctioned by the state and federal government. Over time the state militia unites evolved into the National Guard units and State Defense Force units we have today and they are the only valid militia units in this country.  

I believe in the right to bear arms and the right of free association, and those rights should not be infringed. Every liberty comes with responsibility and people can and should lose their right if they violate law or act irresponsibly in the exercise of those liberties. As law abiding citizens we have right to purchase weapons, protect our homes and families from intruders and predators, join gun clubs, hunting clubs, and associate with other people who enjoy those same activities. We do not have the right to use our weapons to openly or covertly coerce, threaten, intimidate, another person or infringe on another persons rights or enjoyment of life in any way.   

When gun owners come together to form paramilitary organizations and units they are forming terrorist organizations, not government sanctioned militias and they are not citizen soldiers. When those organizations infringe on the rights of others they must be held accountable in order to protect and preserve the rights of law abiding citizens and our rights under the Second Amendment. We all have the right to participate in our government and peacefully demonstrate for or against government policies and political ideas. We do not have the right to threaten, intimidate, or coerce others that we may not agree with. When any person comes armed to a peaceful demonstration they are making an overt threat against those people that do not agree with their position. When people come together to demonstrate as an organized armed unit (no matter how loosely organized) they are making an overt terrorist threat and should be dealt with accordingly. If we want to maintain our right to keep and bear arms we must act responsible and within reasonable limits. Armed threats, coercion, and intimidation have no place in peaceful demonstrations. The fastest way to loose any liberty is to abuse that liberty.   

It is time to rethink the Second Amendment in order to protect our right to bear arms while protecting the rights and liberties of our fellow citizens. We need to recognize terrorist organizations for what they are, outlaw them, and shut them down. We need to recognize terrorist acts for what they are and prosecute the perpetrators and strip them of their right to bear arms. Demanding responsibility and accountability is the only way to protect and preserve our individual rights and liberties.  

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