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The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its latest Assessment Report(AR6) on February 28, 2022. As pointed out in the Washington Post the report is a very bleak assessment of our current condition and a warning letter to the world.

The problem with this report and one hundred others like it is an attempt to remain politically correct and avoid any mention of the underlying cause of increased green house gas emissions, pollution, global warming, and climate change. A human population increase began with the industrial revolution and if you plot population growth, green house gas emissions and global warming from 1800 to present day it becomes clear that population growth is the driving force in the equation. On average each person you add to this planet generates an additional 6.5 tons of green house gases and an additional 85 million BTUs of heat to this planet every year. We are currently adding about 80 million people to the global population each year. That means we are adding approximately 520 million tons of green house gases and 800 million BTUs of heat to this planet every year. We are currently increasing green house gas emissions and heat through population growth faster than we can reduce them through technology. There is a very real limit to the amount of heat this planet can radiate back into space each year and that limit was reached in the late 1800s. All of the additional heat we generate has to be stored for future release. We are getting the climate change estimates wrong because we are not considering the artificial heat we are adding to this planet. The point of no return for human survival is fast approaching and the main problem is population growth not green house gases. We have overpopulated our ecosystem and there is a price to pay.

The overpopulation of this planet is and has been driven by religious opposition to family planning, contraceptives, abortion, and death with dignity. We have already passed the point of no return on global warming and it will continue for decades to come. It is time to stop being politically correct and address the underlying problem before we pass the point of no return for human survival. We can reverse the process, but we can not solve the problem until we address the true cause.


Please answer The Martyr’s Prayer Challenge as requested in The Martyr’s Prayer and bring peace to this planet.


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