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Religion has been a part of the human experience for as long as mankind has walked upon this earth. We have created thousands of religions in an attempt to simplify the world around us and answer questions as to where we come from, why we are here, and what is expected of us in this life. Common beliefs and traditions have helped to maintain peace and domestic tranquility allowing society to grow and prosper.

When any religion fails to keep pace with changes in the society it represents, division and violence are sure to follow. It has never been the religious moderates who simply live by their faith that have caused the division and violence, it is and always has been the self-righteous extremist who try to impose their personal views and standards on the world at large.

There are currently over two thousand religions on this planet, and religious self-righteousness and violence abound throughout the world. When the human race dies out, all of the religions we have created dies with us. The thousands of different religions and religious denominations can not all be right, but they can all be wrong. Religious self-righteousness, intolerance, and violence as reached a point where it is a major factor in the existential crisis that confronts the human race. The question is, how do we set our religious differences aside and solve the problems which threaten our very existence as a species on this planet.

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