My Masterdon Profile

Our Existential Crisis

Over the past few years the world has paid a great deal of attention to the threat to humanity caused by global warming and while global warming is a serious threat it is not in and of itself an existential threat to the human race. It is a problem that can easily be solved. Our existential threat comes from the many problems that divert our attention, lead to conflict, and prevent solidarity.

Overpopulation, religion, dwindling resources, pollution, global warming, climate change, continuous warfare, imperialism and a dysfunctional United Nations have all come together to create the existential crisis we now face. It is a crisis which will lead to our own extinction if we do not identify the true cause and solution to each of these problems. Civil unrest, political division, misplaced loyalties, religious conflict, and armed conflicts throughout the world diverts our attention and prevent us from solving the problems which threatens our very existence. We need to find a way to set the emotions and misplaced loyalties aside and focus on the survival of the human race.

We live on a planet that can sustain human life for the next million years. However, we have passed the point of no return for global warming and it will continue in the short term no matter what we do. If global warming is allowed to continue unchecked we will soon pass the point of no return for human survival. Imperialist ideology and might makes right has always and will always lead to war. Our survival is dependent upon a prolonged period of peace and stability which has never existed in human history. Our chances are slim, but if we do not try, our destiny is guaranteed.

True peace and stability are the fruit of justice, but true justice can only come from the rule of just laws evenly applied to all. The search for truth and justice under the rule of law is hard work which takes time, but it is the only path to a real and lasting peace. If you place any person, country, or organization outside of or above the rule of law, the rule of law fails, justice fails, and violence follows.

It is my hope that we can begin discussions which will replace the current atmosphere of hatred, inequality, suspicion, and violence with a search for peaceful solutions and justice for all.

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