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Origin of the Universe

Dark Matter, Black Holes, and the Big Bang: If there was a big bang, what exploded, and where did it come from? Whether cosmic accident or by design all that is needed to create our universe is a primary particle and a means of propagating or replicating that primary particle. A simple tiny particle which has mass but can not be broken down or divided into any smaller components.

The Dark Matter Matrix: There has to be a point at which matter can no longer be divided. A primary particle which has mass and volume but no other physical properties. In an empty void in which nothing else exists that particle will simple sit stationary in the void forever. Add a second primary particle and the two will begin to move towards each other no matter how far apart they are. When they come together they will begin to orbit each other in a clockwise of counter clockwise direction depending on their intercept vector. Since all primary particles have identical mass and volume, adding a third primary particle would stabilize all three particles and form an equilateral triangle with a primary particle at each vertex. Adding a fourth primary particle would align equal distance from the other three to form an equilateral pyramid. You now have the basic building block of the dark matter matrix. From this point on, the growth of the matrix is a fractal geometry problem.

Each of the four equilateral triangles which form the faces of the equilateral pyramid are the beginning of a plane or force field that will eventually extend throughout the universe. The next primary particle will align with any one of the four surfaces of the equilateral pyramid to form a double pyramid joined at the base. After the double pyramid is formed, each new particle added to the matrix will cause a slight shift in the center of gravity for the overall mass. The force fields caused by particle alignment and current center of gravity will determines where the next primary particle will align.

The next six primary particles will align with the six outer surfaces of the double pyramid, followed by the next twenty particles will fill the voids in the outer surface of the matrix with equilateral pyramids to form a sphere with the center of gravity at the center of the overall mass. As new particles are added, they will form equilateral pyramids on the surface of the sphere equal distance from the center of the sphere causing the sphere to grow layer by layer.

Each internal primary particle within the sphere will be dissected by six planes or force fields which align with the faces of the pyramids which surround it. The force fields extending outward from the center of the matrix will be the strongest overall because of the number of primary particles which form the equilateral triangles within the individual plane. As the dark matter sphere grows, the combined mass of the primary particles will increase the gravitation pull which will in turn compress the primary particles at the center of the matrix.

The Black Hole, a Misnomer: As the gravitation of the overall dark matter matrix increases the distance between primary particles at the center of the sphere will begin to decrease. Over time, all space between the thirty one primary particles which formed the original sphere will disappear and those thirty one primary particles will form the beginning of a super-dense black ball. As the gravitation of the overall matrix increases the inner layers of the matrix will be forced into the black ball until the black ball reaches critical mass.

When critical mass is reached, the gravitational pull of the black ball will begin pulling in the primary particles closest to it. As the matrix begins to collapse from within the speed of the primary particles falling into the big black ball will increase causing a force of impact which is exponential to their mass. The force of impact will increase the density the black ball and outward pressure from the center of mass will begin to build.

The Big Bang and A New Universe: When the outward pressure on the black ball exceeds the force of the collapsing matrix the big bang will occur as the big black ball explodes. Since the matrix already exists, the big black ball cannot immediately disintegrate into primary particles because it is constrained by the matrix.

Everything which exists within our universe today was born at the time of the big bang because of the matrix and continues to exist because of the matrix. From primary particles and sub-atomic particles, to the elements which make up our universe, to the black holes (super dense black balls) that organize excess matter, they all exist because the matrix provided resistance to the big bang. The black holes at the center of each galaxy were created at the time of the big bang They are simply fragments of the original dark matter mass that exploded and they immediately began organizing the local matter created by the big bang.

An Expanding Universe: Interaction between matrix, black holes and the matter that surrounds them distorts the matrix from within stretching it to the breaking point which in turn allows for the disintegration of unstable subatomic particles into primary particles which repair the matrix and push the universe apart in all direction. Our universe is in a constant state of decay from matter to subatomic matter to primary particles pushing all matter further and further apart.

A Detectable Matrix: Interaction between the matrix and matter as we know it causes constant movement and vibration within the matrix and makes the matrix detectable. Supernovas, colliding black holes, massive black holes in close proximity will all cause vibrations large enough to send shock waves throughout the entire matrix. Evidence of the matrix is is there if you look for it.

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