My Masterdon Profile

Pope Francis 11/15/2021

Your Holiness;

You have raised the issue of global warming and the environmental crises we all face on several occasions, you have called on all Catholics to join the fight against climate change, and you have called on government leaders to curb global warming and heal the planet. You have acknowledged a problem which could lead to the end of most life on this planet if left unchecked, but you have never acknowledged the true cause of the problem or the part that the Catholic Church and other organized religions have played in creating this problem.

The underlying cause of climate change, global warming, dwindling resources, and pollution is the overpopulation of this planet by the human race. Throughout human history God has maintained a global human population of less than one billion people. It is only within the past two hundred fifty years that we have learned enough and advanced enough to challenge God, God’s design and God’s methods in order to overpopulate this planet. If the global population was currently one billion people everyone on this planet could have a standard of living equal to the American upper middle class without any impact on the environment or any global warming. The problem isn’t human activity or green house gases, it is the amount of human activity and the amount of green house gases we are producing which is driven by the number of people involved. Every person contributes and every person leaves an ecological footprint on this planet. Overpopulation is the underlying cause and the problems can not be solved without addressing overpopulation of this planet by the human race.

In my October 5, 2021 letter to you I stated that we can not solve the problems we ourselves have created unless we are willing to speak the truth, acknowledge the underlying cause of the problems, the part we have played in creating the problems, and change our policies and behavior in order to correct those problems. The Catholic Church has opposed contraception, abortion, and death with dignity throughout its history and has been a major driving force behind the overpopulation of this planet. The churches position on Right to Life is a direct challenge to God, God’s design, and God’s methods. There are over 1,300 miscarriages in the United States every day, they are abortions performed by God as a part of God’s design and God’s methods to keep human population in balance. Globally God performs over 20,000,000 abortions every year. How can contraceptives, voluntary sterilization, abortion of the unwanted child or death with dignity be an insult to God when they keep our population in balance and give all life a chance to survive and thrive. The right to life isn’t saving lives, it is putting all life on this planet at risk.

It is time to let go of the myths, legends, and lies of the past and look to God’s design and God’s methods for answers because that is where the truth lies. God is talking to us through His design and His methods, but we are not listening. God has provided enough for us to live on this planet in balance with nature for the next million years. Global warming, dwindling resources, the current pandemic, mega fires and mega storms are all warnings from God’s design that we have overpopulated this planet and rapidly approaching our own demise. The fastest and cheapest way to end the crises is to reduce our fertility rate and allow attrition to reduce the overpopulation of this planet and bring our environment back into balance. We have reached a point of no return on Global Warming and environmental damage. Our death rate will increase no matter what we do. If we continue the unrestricted population growth, inequality and the violence inequality causes we will soon pass the point of no return for human survival on this planet. I pray for God’s intervention every day, but twenty year of the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge tells me that God will not intervene to save us, we must save ourselves or parish.

I sincerely hope that in the 2021-2023 Synod on Synodality you will give as much weight to God’s Design, Design Limits, and God’s Methods as you do to the Myths, Legends, and Lies of the past. Christianity should focus on the teachings of Christ, not the false claims that surrounded him. The truth is in God’s Design and God’s methods and the wisdom of what Jesus taught us, not the Myths, Legends, and Lies. If you truly believe we have a covenant with God or that God will intervene to save humanity make a month long Catholic Prayer vigil a part of your Synod on Synodality and ask God to answer the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge and fulfill His Covenant with mankind. He will not come if you do not ask and if He does not come we must change and save ourselves. Contraceptives, voluntary sterilization, abortion of the unwanted child and death with dignity will not destroy the human race, overpopulation, inequality, violence, and war will.


Please answer the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge as requested in the Martyr’s Prayer and bring peace to this planet.


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