My Masterdon Profile

Ending Gridlock

The gridlock in America is religion based and can not be resolved without confronting the religious false narratives that drive it. The infiltration of the Republican Party by religious extremists driven by the religious false narratives that justified slavery and segregation began following the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights act of 1965. Following Roe v. Wade in 1973 those religious extremists were joined by more moderate religious activists believing they were doing Gods work in the Right To Life antiabortion movement. With the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 the base expanded again to include those preaching the gospel of unrestrained greed and unlimited wealth. The coalition of creed and greed was born and the conspiracy of common thought became God and party ahead of country and humanity.

The increase in religious political activism has led to political polarization and an increase in stereotyping and labeling. In a polarized environment the labels we use to define ourselves and others determines the actions we will take. I am ________ therefore I must support _______. I am ______ therefore I must oppose ______. From the racial divide to the religious divide to the political divide the labels we use define our actions. If we want to survive we must learn to change and clearly define those labels and the hierarchy of those labels. I am a human being therefore I must support the survival of the human race first. I am an American therefore I support what is best for America second. The color of my skin, my religion, my political party, etc. etc. are all less important because if the human race perishes, all else perishes with it.

I believe in the original American Dream of equality, equal opportunity, equal rights, and equal protection under the rule of just laws. The biggest threat to that dream today is religious political activism. Christian Nationalism was rejected by our forefathers and it must be rejected today because it divides us and leads to religious persecution and human suffering. Separation of church and state should be considered sacred. If there is any religious imperative it is to be found in God’s design, not the myths, legends, and lies of mankind.

Every ecosystem has very real limits to the life it can support. If there is a God that created this universe those limits are a part of God’s design. Miscarriages, still births, birthing deaths, disease, and natural disaster are God’s way of controlling overpopulation. To this day, God still performs over 1,300 abortions a day in America. If we are going to save wanted pregnancies on one end and prolong life on the other we must reduce unwanted pregnancies and births through family planning. Sterilization, contraceptives, and abortion are not offensive to God because they keep population within His design limits and protects what He has created. God’s only message to life in this universe is “Destroy what I have created and you will destroy yourselves.”

Religious conflict is distracting us from the work we need to do to bring our planet back into balance and protect all life in accordance with God’s design. The only way to find the truth is to let God speak for God. To that end a Prayer Challenge began in 2002 asking God to reveal the truth and fulfill any covenant He has with mankind. It is time to change our labels, change our actions, and end the gridlock because we are one species with one destiny. It is time to let God speak for God and focus our attention on the original American Dream and the survival of the human race.


Please answer The Martyr’s Prayer Challenge as requested in The Martyr’s Prayer and bring peace to this planet.


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