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Constant Warfare

Constant warfare is a major component of the existential crisis the human race currently faces. There are at least twenty four wars being fought on this planet and some of those wars have been ongoing for as long as the United Nations has existed. There are at least thirty two armed conflicts going on throughout the world which could explode into open warfare at any time. Constant warfare damages our environment, creates green house gases, increases global warming, and disrupts cooperation between nations as nations take sides in the dispute. Even one war or one armed conflict creates instability and prevents us from moving forward.

If we are going to survive as a species on this planet we need to find just solutions to these armed conflicts and replace the injustice of the present system with justice and the hope for justice under the rule of just laws equally applied to all.United Nations reform, the end of Unanimous Consent Clauses of the UN Charter, and United Nations jurisdiction over arms trafficking, human trafficking, terrorism, and human rights is essential to ending the constant state of warfare we currently tolerate.

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