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Conspiracy Of Common Thought

A conspiracy of common thought is a set of beliefs, stereotypes, and prejudices that develop over time to justify inappropriate behavior, injustice, and man’s inhumanity to man. Basic beliefs and stereotypes passed on to generation after generation allowing people to support injustice without any real conscious cognitive thought about what they are doing or the consequences of their actions. The most enduring conspiracies of common thought are those based on religion. Once a conspiracy of common thought becomes entrenched within a society it can last for centuries and affect every aspect of that society.

The most enduring conspiracy of common thought in America began in the sixteenth century with the Biblical justification for white male supremacy and slavery. It was a religious justification for inhumanity that affected most religious denominations within the American Colonies. Following the industrial revolution the abolition movement in the United States began to challenge the stereotypes and religious false narratives that justified slavery and the conspiracy began to weaken. The abolition movement caused many divisions within the United States, especially within the institutionalized religions which supported white male supremacy and slavery. The result of that conflict and division led to the creation of the Southern Baptist Conference in 1845 and the establishment of the Southern Baptist Church. Fifteen years later, the election of Abraham Lincoln led to the Civil War and end of slavery in the United States but it did not end the conspiracy of common thought that had justified it. The premature end of Reconstruction in 1877 ended the Northern Baptist’s efforts at reconciliation and reunification of the Baptist Church in America and opened the door to the rapid rise of the Southern Baptist Church and it’s Biblical justification for white male supremacy. As the conspiracy of common thought once again began to strengthen and spread the base beliefs, stereotypes, and prejudices it provided allowed people to act without thinking and without consequence. It empowered white male supremacists, gave rise to the KKK which in turn led to dozens of black massacres, thousands of black deaths and over eighty years of racial segregation. The only reason for the existence of the Southern Baptist Conference and Southern Baptist Church is Biblical justification for white male supremacy and the oppression of everyone else, including white females.

It is time to confront the theory of white male supremacy and the religious false narratives that support it. We are one species with one destiny and we are all created equal in the eyes of the Lord.


Please answer The Martyr’s Prayer Challenge as requested in The Martyr’s Prayer and bring peace to this planet.


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