My Masterdon Profile

Christian Nationalism

The United States of America is not and never has been a Christian Nation. It is simply a Constitutional Republic with a declining Christian Majority. Our forefathers rejected the idea of religious sectarian states and a sectarian nation for a very good reason, institutionalized religion corrupts government, leads to poor governance and injustice. America’s greatness did not come from Christianity or Christian values, it came from the original American Dream and the diverse millions who have fought to make that original American Dream come true.

The biggest obstacle in the way of achieving the American Dream of equality and justice for all has been the false religious narratives that justified slavery, segregation, white supremacy, bigotry and hatred. The biggest obstacles to world peace and human survival are the religious false narratives derived from the myths, legends, and lies of the past. They divide us and divert our attention from the real problems we must solve if we are going to survive.

The human race has over two thousand religions on this planet each one claiming a special relationship with their creator and special incite into God’s will and the truth. They can not all be right and if we are going to survive as a species we need to end the division and learn to live within the limits God has placed on His design. To that end a prayer challenge began in 2002. The Martyr’s Prayer Challenge is a prayer challenge based on the Martyr’s Prayer which is a simple request for a clear answer from God and fulfillment of any covenant He has with mankind. If God intervenes humanity will be saved and our mistakes corrected but if He does not intervene we are clearly on our own.

In 2002 I offered my life to God as a conduit through which God could make His will known to all mankind. Twenty years of silence tells us that there isn’t any covenant and God does not take sides, He speaks through His design, not the myths, legends, and lies of mankind. To survive, we must reject religious extremists, listen to the religious peacemakers, and follow the science.

Christian Nationalism is dividing the church, dividing America, and is a betrayal of religion and human spirituality in general. It is time to let God speak for God! Go to A View From The Bottom and read the Martyr’s Prayer. It is a simple request for God to reveal His will and fulfill any covenant He has with mankind. Acknowledge the prayer challenge, offer your life to God as a Martyr of your faith, call your followers to prayer, and let God speak for God. If you are right, God will take us home, America will be a Christian Nation and God will install an International Christian Government to rule over His kingdom on earth.

If God does not accept your offer, listen to the religious moderates, honor the separation of church and state, and look for the common message that runs through all religious narratives about the brotherhood of mankind. We are one species with one destiny and there is a place and a purpose for all that God has created.


Please answer The Martyr’s Prayer Challenge as requested in The Martyr’s Prayer and bring peace to this planet.


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