My Masterdon Profile

Challenging God’s Design

The human response to adversity follows a familiar pattern. Denial that the problems exists, frustration and anger that the problems persists, looking for someone else to blame for the problems, acceptance that the problems exist, followed by a search for solutions. The biggest problem facing the human race today is the destruction of our environment which will lead to the end of the human race along with most other carbon based life on this planet if left unchecked. The only cause of this problem is the overpopulation of this planet by the human race. Global warming, declining resources, pollution, and even the current pandemic are simply byproducts of human overpopulation. The biggest obstacle we have to solving these problems is institutionalized religion which tells us not to worry, God will intervene, God will send a savior, God will fulfill His Covenant. Can we really afford to accept that premise and continue to ignore the problem? It is time to ask God to fulfill His Covenant and prepare for our own survival if He does not answer.


Please answer The Martyr’s Prayer Challenge as requested in The Martyr’s Prayer and bring peace to this planet.


God created a universe with infinite possibilities for life with ecosystems and habitats to accommodate each of those life forms. Each ecosystem has limits to the life it can support and God’s design has checks and balances built into those ecosystems to keep life within those limits. As a species, we have learned enough and advanced enough to challenge God’s design and the checks and balances God has built into that design. We have reduced death from exposure and starvation. We have learned to combat disease and reduce the death and suffering of local outbreaks, epidemics, and global pandemics. We have reduced miscarriages, birthing deaths, and infant mortality. As a result we have moved beyond our own natural habitat, overpopulated our planet, and invaded the ecosystems and habitats of every other species on earth. The pandemic we now face is simply the result of the human invasion of the natural habitat of the corona virus. We invaded the viruses natural habitat and brought the virus into our habitat and spread it throughout the world.

Throughout most of human history God has kept global human population under one billion people. It is only within the past one thousand years that we have learned enough to challenge God and overpopulate this planet. In one thousand AD the world population was still under one billion people. We know the approximate population because most of the known world was performing censuses, levying taxes, and recording population count. God was keeping our population in check through miscarriages (spontaneous abortions), birthing deaths, infant mortality, disease, natural disasters, and physical injuries that lead to early death. We have made great progress in challenging God’s methods and God’s design. Protecting life and reducing pain and suffering is morally and ethically correct and I believe it is what God intends. However, as we advance, we must keep our population within the limits that God has imposed on our ecosystem or we will destroy our environment and we will destroy ourselves. In spite of our best efforts God still performs over 1300 abortions a day in the United States. The miscarriages and still births take the wanted as well as the unwanted child. The Right to Life – Antiabortion Movement is a major challenge to God and God’s design which is putting all life on this planet at risk. We must control overpopulation or we will destroy what God has created and we will destroy ourselves.


Please give us the wisdom to follow the science and live within the limits of your design.


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