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Becoming A Martyr

In terms of the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge, a martyr is a person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion. In the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge there are two sets of martyr’s, the Martyr’s Of God, and the Martyr’s Of Faith. The Martyr’s Of God are those who say only God knows the truth and I offer my life to God as proof that God has spoken. The Martyr’s Of Faith are those among us who believe their faith is God’s chosen faith and their scriptures are the true word of God and God’s will.

To be a martyr in the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge means that you reject violence, reject argument and debate and whether you are a Martyr Of God or a Martyr of Faith you trust in God, pray for and await His answer. The Martyr’s Prayer Challenge is a non-violent peaceful response to religious extremists and religious violence throughout the world. Any God that created this universe and all that is in it can fulfill all of the requirements of the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge exactly as requested in the Martyr’s Prayer. Any God that listens to the prayers of humanity already know what is being asked of Him in the Martyr’s Prayer because it has already been prayed many times. It does not have to be repeated.

Becoming a Martyr of God: To become a Martyr Of God in the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge you can recite the entire Martyr’s Prayer if you wish to do so, but it is not necessary, God already knows about the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge and He knows the content of the Martyr’s Prayer. All you have to do is offer your life to God as a Martyr Of God in your own words and in your own way.

Lord, I offer you my life as a Martyr of God in the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge. Amen

Becoming a Martyr Of Faith: Becoming a Martyr Of Faith in the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge is equally simple. All you have to do is offer your life to God as a Martyr Of Faith and what it is you wish to prove by God’s answer. It is your prayer and your offering in your own words and in your own way.

Lord, I offer you my life as a Martyr Of Faith in the Martyr’s Prayer Challenge as proof that …, Amen

Christ was the son of God. Muhammad was the final prophet of God. The King James Bible is the literal word of God. Christianity as taught by the Southern Baptist Church is the only path to salvation. The curse of Ham is God’s curse, the mark of Canaan is God’s mark and the white race is God’s chosen race. The Roman Catholic Church is God’s chosen Church and the Pope is God’s representative on earth. Israel has a covenant with God and a Divine right to their homeland in the Middle East. It does not matter what you believe, if your beliefs are true, God will answer our prayers, we will be taken up to be with God and all of humanity will know God’s will.

It is time to end the hatred and violence and let God speak for God.


Please answer The Martyr’s Prayer Challenge as requested in The Martyr’s Prayer and bring peace to this planet.


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