My Masterdon Profile

America’s Religious Insurgency

In the early 1960s an insurgency against the United States Government began which was motivated by the conspiracy of common thought which justified slavery, inequality, segregation, bigotry, and hatred from the time the first slave was brought to America. The insurrection of January 6, 2021 would not have happened if that sixty year Christian extremist insurgency had not preceded it.

Infiltrate and Subvert:

Over the past sixty years Radical Christian Extremists in the United States have been putting forward white male Christian candidates who believe their religious convictions override the U.S. Constitution and the prevailing rule of law. The rhetoric, stereotypes, and self-identity of the Republican Party of the 1960s and 70s made it easy for them to infiltrate, corrupt, and redefine the party. The Civil Right Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 gave them the incentive to act, and Roe vs. Wade in 1973 gave them the emotional motivator needed to expand their base. The election of Ronald Reagan marked the beginning of the coalition of creed and greed which the Republican Party is today. It is a coalition that has decimated the middle class, buried us in debt, and brought us to the brink of our own destruction.

The Enemy Within:

In the United States we are quick to label others as radical religious extremists and terrorists but reluctant to acknowledge that we have radical extremists and terrorists within our own ranks. The attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 was a terrorist attack and attempted coup by American citizens against their own government in an attempt to overturn a free election and peaceful transition of power. The underlying cause of the political and racial divisions that led to that attempted coup is the intertwining of religion and governance in an attempt to redefine the First Amendment and impose an extremist religious philosophy on all U.S. citizens.

Separation of Church and State:

The only way to end the political and racial division in America is to end the insurrection and return to a separation of church and state. We desperately need an open and honest conversation on the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, what kind of country we want to live in, and what kind of world we want to leave to our children, grandchildren and their heirs. Human rights and civil rights must always override religious rights, separation of church and state must be held sacred. It is time to rebuild the Republican Party and repair the damage done to the United States of America and the world. Enjoy your religious freedom in your own home and place of worship, and let me enjoy mine. That is the only path to peace and unity.


Please answer The Martyr’s Prayer Challenge as requested in The Martyr’s Prayer and bring peace to this planet.


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