My Masterdon Profile

Privacy & Terms of Use

Privacy: A view from the bottom is an open website which does not require user login and does not collect personal data of any kind. This site does not use cookies or tracking software of any kind and I do not collect or track IP addresses, MAC addresses, mobile data, or social network data of any kind.

Purpose: Global warming is real, the destruction of our environment is real, overpopulation of this planet by the human race is the cause, and we are fast approaching a point of no return in terms of human survival. The primary purpose of this site is to present one person’s point of view on the mistakes we have made, the obstacles we face, and what we can do to solve the problems we have created in order to ensure our own survival.

Limited Use: As a user of this site you are free to browse, read, and consider any article that appears on this site, but you cannot comment directly to any article or post that appears herein. As a user of this site you may create a link to any article on this site from any web site or social media account that you control. You may then use that link to solicit comments and discussion on any article appearing herein.

Translations: The major problems we face as a species are global problems which affect all of humanity and require the cooperation and efforts of all humanity to solve. If you are fluent in any other language, you are free to copy any article that appears on this site, translate that article into any language you choose, and post that article on any web site or social media site that you control provided that you post the original article unedited and unchanged for reference and verification of the accuracy of your translation.


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