My Masterdon Profile

Born Of Evil

Matthew 15:8-9 This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.

The Southern Baptist Convention was formed in 1845 over one issue and one issue only, biblical justification of slavery. White slave holders in the South were being denied the opportunity to go out into the world and teach others that slavery was God’s will based upon the Myth of Noah, the curse of Ham, and the mark of Canaan. That Myth is the basis of the Conspiracy of Common Thought which has justified white supremacy, white male dominance, slavery, segregation, discrimination, and bigotry for hundreds of years.

Most of the thirteen colonies in America had government established religions and all included religious references and requirements in their colonial charters. The Anglican Church (today’s Protestant Episcopal Church) and Congregational Church were the dominate religions throughout the colonies. The Baptist Church in America began in the early 1600s and was faced with wide spread harassment and discrimination throughout the colonies because it was not sanctioned by any government. In the south, the predominate religion among the plantation owners and slave holders was the Anglican Church which allowed the Baptist church to gain a foothold among the poor whites, free blacks, and slaves. After the American Revolution, most of the established religions began to move away from the religious false narrative that justified slavery and began to support the abolition movement. The hierarchical structure of the Anglican Church made it difficult individual churches to continue to support slavery. As a result, slave holders began to move away from the Anglican Church and turn to the Baptist Churches for their spiritual needs. As the American Baptist Church began to move away from the biblical justification of slavery it caused a north south split in the Baptist Church in America. As a result, the Southern Baptist Church was born of evil in 1845 and has been moving away from the teachings of Jesus Christ ever since. Following The Civil Right Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 Southern Baptist activists began to infiltrate all levels and all branches of the US government in an attempt to impose their religious views and their religious standards on America. That effort simply moved the Southern Baptists further away from the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus never said go to Rome, infiltrate the Senate and impose my teachings on the people. It was their effort to undermine the Constitution of the United States that has led to the gridlock in Washington and made Donald Trump’s attempted coup of January 6, 2021 possible. The words flow from their lips, but where are the teachings of Jesus Christ in their actions?

Baylor University lists nineteen different Baptist Denominations in America. Each person must find their own way to God. Southern Baptists chose a path of evil in 1845 and evil never has and never will lead you to God. Make sure of the path you are on, if you seek God’s grace choose another path, there are at least eighteen other Baptist Denominations you can follow.


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